


欢迎来到Landmark college的住宿生活-您的家外之家. 校园生活可以是一个令人兴奋和改变生活的经历. Here you will make new friends, share 经历, and create memories to last a lifetime.

住宅生活 at Landmark College is committed to providing quality living options, 项目, 以及通过促进安全来支持LC学术使命的服务, 鼓励学生发展, and fostering the understanding and appreciation of diversity within our community. 为了完成这一使命,我们遵循以下原则:

  • 提供安全, 安全, 清洁, and reasonably priced residential environments conducive to the academic and personal development of the student
  • 提供服务, 项目, 以及鼓励学生智力成熟的活动, 在情感上, 在精神上,为他们的社区和整个社会增加价值
  • Providing residential environments that honor human diversity and embrace students as individuals—each with rights and responsibilities, 每个人都有独特的目标和需求

每个宿舍/区域都由专业人员组成 居民院长 以及和你一起住在宿舍的宿舍助理. 工作人员就在你的大厅里为你提供支持, 紧急援助, 并帮助为每个人创造一个积极和支持的社区.

居住生活重视不同声音的多样性, 意见, 经历, 和地标社区的身份. In the interest of creating inclusive communities and in an attempt to eng年龄 every student, 住宿生活致力于不分种族为学生提供住宿, color, 国家的起源, 性, 性取向, 年龄, 残疾, 宗教或信仰体系, 退伍军人身份或性别认同. We treat each individual as unique and respect their membership in the Landmark community. 住宿生活试图将所有学生安置在房间里, 套件, 或者最适合他们发展过程的公寓选择.


  • 离餐厅只有几步之遥, 类, 教师办公室, 项目, 事件, 学生中心, 和运动中心
  • 高速有线和无线(Wi-Fi)互联网
  • 电话
  • 一些套房设有小厨房和公共休息室
  • 公共休息室配有大屏幕电视,适合社交聚会
  • 洗衣 所有学生都可以使用校园宿舍的设施
  • 支持人员(住校院长,学生住校助理,以及 安全 & 安全)
  • 周围的社区提供的不仅仅是表象(航天飞机服务 可以带你去那里)

大多数 一年级学生 will begin their residential life at Landmark College in a double-occupancy bedroom in one of our 主要宿舍 (Robert 弗罗斯特大厅, 校友大厅, Edward Durell 石厅, or Stanton 戴维斯大厅). 每个大厅之间都有区别.

  • 戴维斯大厅 includes a Wellness Hall, 洗衣房 and the 校园安全 office
  • 校友堂设有食堂
  • 斯通大厅提供辅导服务
  • 弗罗斯特公寓包括一间健身房和一间洗衣房. 所有学生都可以使用这两种设施.

In these first-year residence halls, a total of 55 – 75 students reside in the building. 每座建筑有两层,每一层被分成两翼. 这些大厅按侧翼划分,每个侧翼都有一个共用的浴室. (在戴维斯和斯通大厅,有私人浴室.每个宿舍都有一个学生可以去学习的中央公共休息室, 和朋友一起放松, watch television or attend one of the many 项目 sponsored by the 住宅生活 staff.



第一年之后, students will have the opportunity to live in the 套件-style residences of George D. 艾肯庄园,查姆利庄园,或者《廊桥遗梦. 这些宿舍为学生提供了一个更加独立的生活和学习环境, 同时仍然允许与他们的社区联系和参与.

艾肯大厅, fully renovated in 2009, offers double and single room 套件s for two and four students. 单人套房由两个单人房间组成,由一个共用浴室连接. Double 套件s consist of two double rooms connected by a common room and 浴室. 艾肯大厅 also offers 洗衣房, lounge, fitness center, study room, and vending room.

Chumley Halls are comprised of three-room 套件s (two single rooms and a double room) that share a 浴室. The 套件s are off of common areas that include lounge space and kitchen facilities. 查姆利的两栋楼各有六到八间套房.

桥梁由五座独立的建筑组成,每座建筑包含四间套房. Each 套件 房子 four students, either in four single rooms or two singles and a double. 除了卧室, 每间套房都有一间公共休息室, 小厨房, 浴室, 淋浴, 还有洗衣机.



All residence halls (as well as all campus buildings) are non-smoking environments. 只允许在指定吸烟区吸烟.




  • 单人房是按年资分配的, 而且单人房的数量非常有限.

    • 如果你是一个新学生在美国,你不大可能订到一间单人房.
    • 如果你是归国学生 and you would like to request a single, it is very important that you make this request on the 网上申请房屋 而且你要在截止日期前提交申请. While we’ll do our best to honor all requests, we can’t guarantee that you will get a single room.
  • Yes, the transition from one semester to the next is a great time to request a change. 把你的要求写在表格上是很重要的 网上申请房屋 并按时提交申请. 我们将尽最大努力满足所有要求.

  • 我们无法在学期内安排房间更换. 只有在特殊情况下, 并由住宿生活处处长酌情决定, 学期内可以换房间吗.

  • 是的,请看 宿舍收费.

  • 洗衣间 艾肯,弗罗斯特,戴维斯和查姆利A. 布里奇斯的公寓都有自己的洗衣机. 学生也可以订阅周报 送洗衣物服务 由E提供&R洗衣服务.

  • Although there is a strongly-enforced expectation that students will not use alcohol or illicit drugs on campus, students who choose Wellness Housing (Chumley and Davis) agree to make an additional commitment to remaining substance-free. 物质的定义包括酒精, 香烟, 和其他吸烟物质, 还有所有的毒品. Students in Wellness Housing sign an agreement to keep their room free from substances at all times. 戴维斯还延长了安静时间,从晚上7点开始.m. 到7岁.m.

  • These residence halls offer a similar living experience with some slight differences in features:

    • 戴维斯大厅 房子里有一个指定的“健康大厅”,一个洗衣房,还有一个浴室 校园安全 办公室在地下室.
    • 的一楼 校友大厅 房子的 食堂.
    • 石厅 房子 指导服务 还有一些教室和教员办公室.
    • 弗罗斯特大厅 有一个小的健身房(所有学生都可以使用)和 洗衣房.
  • 的桥梁 每套公寓有两到四个房间(四个单人间, 或者两个双打), 厨房/公共区域, 洗衣房, 还有一间分开的浴室(一间带淋浴的房间), 一间带厕所和水槽的房间). 有 four Bridges apartments per building, two on the top floor and two on the bottom.

    • Residents in the Bridges are responsible for 清洁ing their own apartment common areas and 浴室s.
    • College housekeeping services 清洁s common areas belonging to the building as a whole.

    Chumley复杂 提供套间式生活,每间套房有两到四个学生的浴室. There is a large shared kitchen on the top floor for use by the Chumley community, 楼下有一个休息区,里面有电视和沙发. Chumley B有一间洗衣房.

    • Chumley residents are responsible for maintaining 清洁liness of the shared kitchen.
    • Residents receive College housekeeping support for maintaining 清洁liness of 浴室s and common lounge.

    艾肯大厅 is semi-套件-style living with a 浴室 or common area shared between two student rooms. 房间组合通常是双人间加双人间, 或带单人间的双人间(3至4名学生). 艾肯大楼有一个公共休息室, 洗衣房, 中等大小的健身房, and vending machines; these features are accessible by all students.

    • Aiken residents are responsible for 清洁ing their own common areas and 浴室s.
  • Bridges kitchens and the shared Chumley kitchen contain a microwave, stove, refrigerator and sink. 桥梁厨房是“迷你厨房”区域,有几个橱柜, 搁置, 还有一个小台面. The shared Chumley kitchen is a large kitchen with full-size countertops as well as cabinetry.

    Kitchens are not supplied with kitchen utensils or dinnerware; however, 如果这些物品在学期结束时被其他学生留下, 如果它们是可用的,我们就把它们留在那里. You may want to hold off on shopping for your kitchen until you arrive on campus, 所以你可以看到那里有多大的空间,那里可能已经有什么器具.

  • 住宅生活 has a Roommate Mediation Process to help support the students involved to reach a resolution. 基本步骤概述如下:

    • 第一步: 室友们会讨论这些问题,看看他们是否能自己解决.
    • 第二步: 如果室友不能自己达成协议, roommates can speak with residential life staff (either a Resident Assistant or 居民院长) to schedule a roommate mediation to work on resolving the issues and establish a Roommate Agreement. 住宅生活 staff will check in soon after the mediation to see how the roommates are doing on their concerns and the agreement.
    • 第三步: 如果已采取上述步骤,但仍有无法解决的问题, the next steps may be a) student with concerns moves; b) student not following agreement moves, 或者c)两个学生都动了. All room changes during the semester are solely at the discretion of the Director of 住宅生活.
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